Free Professional Dog Training for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

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Boxer / Pit Bull Mix
Sex: spayed female
Age: 11 Years
Size: 40 lbs
Wonderful all around great dog; she knows commands; is patient when she is out in the world. A volunteer recently took her to a patio while he had lunch and she at first sniffed around and then just waited patiently while people were eating; she is easy going, calm on a walk, seems to like children--would be a great family dog. Call 805-681-4369 or visit the shelter, 5473 Overpass Rd., and tell them you saw Sable on the K-9 PALS website.

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© 2004-2018  K-9 PALS, Inc.
A California non-profit tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS
P.O. Box 60755  ·  Santa Barbara, CA 93160