Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

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 | Patches
Patches caught the eye of a young man who lives on his family's 40-acre ranch in Lompoc. Not only does Patches play soccer with his new human friend, but he frolics with sheep and a donkey on the ranch. Instead of sleeping in the shelter igloo, our old friend is now sleeping in bed with his new BFF. Imagine that! This is the happiest of tails for our old friend, Patches ! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Budweiser
Lucky little Budweiser had found his forever home with great big family who will give him lots of attention and training. He has a lot to look forward to, including trips to the beach, cuddlding up on the couch, and trips out to the islands on his dad's fishing boat. Happy Fish Tails to Budweiser!
Adopted! |  |
 | Zeena
Adopted! |  |
 | Toby
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 | Tonka
Tonka found his forever home with a nice K-9 PALS alum family with two young girls who claim to have loved Tonka right when they saw his photo on the website. Look for Tonka and his older black lab sibling, Midnight, enjoying walks on the Ellwood Bluffs. Happy Tails to you, Tonka ! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Bingo
Adopted! |
Maya was adopted by a family with 3 young kids. She lives in a fabulous house on the Mesa and is being showered with attention from her new family. The kids also are working hard on training her even better than she already is. She is a very lucky dog. Happy tails to Maya! |  |
 | China
Adopted ! |
River, the only girl in the litter of five pups, was adopted by a long-time K-9 PALS volunteer who will be enjoyed by both her and her mom. Happy Tails to you, River ! |  |
 | Ricky
Ricky was adopted by a father and 14-year-old son who promised to give Ricky plenty of love and exercise. Happy Tails to you, little Ricky ! |
Debbie was adopted to a woman with several grandchildren who will be spending a lot of time with Grandma helping to make Debbie the most perfect dog. Happy Tails to you, Debbie !
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 | Mars
Brother-Sister adopted Mars and Pancho...Kennel mates to Happy Tails ! |
Brother-Sister adopted Pancho and Mars...Kennel mates to Happy Tails ! |  |
 | Leah
Adopted ! |
Albert (now Price Albert) was adopted by a wonderful family and their senior dog. He is living happily ever after with lots of walks, love, and attention. Happy Tails to you Albert! |  |
 | Scooby
Volunteer favorite Scooby has found the perfect forever home with a wonderful woman who can pamper him and give him the love and attention he deserves. We are all thrilled--both for him and for his new owner--and can't wait to see Scooby out and about. Happy Tails Scooby! |
Friday was Caley’s lucky day. A fantastic dog-savvy couple took one look and knew this was their girl. They all look forward to many walks, training classes, and many snuggles and kisses. Happy Tails to you Caley! |  |
 | Pinni
Adopted! |
A dedicated volunteer who was fostering Annabelle was not much of a "small dogs" person, but Annabelle changed it all! Because of her shyness and so much need of a new mom, the volunteer instantly fell in love with her. Everybody at home thinks she's the sweetest chiuhauhua ever. Big doggie sister Aluna and human sister are really happy to have a little sister. Annabelle loves Aluna and they do everything together: play, sleep, eat, run and even dig holes together! They are so cute to watch! You can see them both at the local beaches. Happy Tails to you, Annabelle ! |  |
 | Kelly
Adopted! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Jackson
Adopted! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Nena
We now know why sweet Nena spent more time living at the shelter than any of us ever imagined she would. She was waiting for just the right family to come and take her home! They did and she will romp on many acres with her caring mom and dad and three energetic Nena-loving kids. Her new bro is a teacup Pomeranian named Foxy. Happy tails to you, sweet Nena.
Shelby was adopted to a nice man from Ventura who was looking for a calm dog. He and his girlfriend fell in love with Shelby's sweet disposition and took her home where she will have a beautiful back yard and lots of attention from her new human friends. Happy tails to Shelby! |  |
 | Kizzy
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Kizzy! |
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Arnie! |  |
 | Coco-Bean
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Coco-Bean! |
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Keela! |  |
 | Jerry
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Jerry! |
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Leeta! |  |
 | Donnie
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Donnie! |
Selected to be in line for a forever home at the Sacramento SPCA. Happy Tails to you, Cleo! |  |
 | Mimi
Mimi charmed her way into the hearts of some nice college students who were ready to have their very own dog. She has just the right amount of energy and affection for this household. They are looking forward to taking her on lots of long walks and hanging out with her. Happy Tails to you Mimi! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Sequoia
Sequoia, our beautiful, loving, special needs white German Shepherd girl found the perfect home with a man with lots of breed experience and a particular love of WHITE German Shepherds. Everyone at the shelter fell in love with this dog, and we were so happy that she found a forever home so quickly. Happy Tails to you Sequoia girl! |
Oliver, our purebred black, shiny, happy-go-lucky Dachshund adopted to a family with another Das Mix female. Oliver will get lots of attention from their young son. Happy Tails to you, Oliver !
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 | Muff
Muff, our gorgeous German Shepherd puppy, went home to learn from--and be best pal of--a lovely adult German Shepherd girl adopted from our Lompoc shelter a couple of years ago. Muff, now known as Heidi, is a very lucky girl to join this loving, breed-knowledgeable home. She may even get her own personalized license plate someday like her big sister! Happy Tails to you sweet girl! | |