Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

Adopted! |  |
 | Milo
Adopted! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Oliver
Cinco de Mayo and The Whole Enchihuahua promotion was music to Oliver's ears...He went to his forever home with a family that includes a 10 year old boy who was smitten with Oliver. Happy Tails to you! |
Dusty, the pug/chi mix, celebrated Chihuahuas de Mayo today and got adopted to a nice couple with two other dogs. Viva la Chihuahua, Dusty! |  |
 | Ava
Ava and Rhino (now Pequeno) were adopted together as the shelter's most recent "odd couple". Pequeno weighs in at 4 pounds and Ava is a is a 70-pound, 6 year old German Shepherd dog. Happy tails to both of them ! |
Peggy Sue
Adopted! |  |
 | Franchesca
Adopted! |
Kobe will have plenty of attention by his new family--mom, dad, 2 daughters and a live-in grandma--who have been looking for the perfect dog for the past 7 months! Look for Kobe at the Saturday training classes offered by K-9 PALS with every county dog adoption. Happy tails to you, Kobe ! |  |
 | Rhino
Rhino (now Pequeno) and Ava were adopted together as the shelter's most recent "odd couple". Pequeno weighs in at 4 pounds and Ava is a is a 70-pound, 6 year old German Shepherd dog. Happy tails to both of them ! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Blossom
Blossom, a 4 month old min pin/chi mix, is going to her forever home during the Chihuahuas de Mayo promotion. Happy tails to you, Blossom! |
Fozzie, the flopsy, mopsy young white poodle mix, went to D.A.W.G. to continue finding his forever home before we had a chance to photo him after his grooming appointment. Check for his photo and bio soon. |  |
 | Olivia
Olivia, the adult black and white rat terrier mix, was taken by D.A.W.G. to continue searching for her forever home. Visit to see her photo and bio soon. |
Sacky was formally adopted by his long-time foster mom. Sacky will continue to be loved by his family that includes another chi sibling. Happy tails to you, Sacky! |  |
 | Chili
Adopted! |
Adopted! |  |
 | Pikis
Adopted! |
Seven year old Phantom found his "second chance home" recently with his foster family, Isabelle, Carlos, Julian and their menagerie of adopted pets. Phantom had been in and out of shelters, but he had finally settled in, showed how sweet he could be, and resistance was futile. Very Happy Tails to you, Sweet Phantom! |  |
 | Fiona
After about a month and half with a wonderful foster family where Fiona had a fabulous time, a young family with two boys adopted Fiona. It is there FIRST rescue dog and they are super happy with their decision to adopt. Very Happy Tails to you, Fiona ! |
Colette, the little poodle mix that was hit by a car and picked up by a Good Samaritan, was adopted today by the medical foster family that convalesced her broken leg after surgery. Colette (now Maggie) has a mom, dad, chihuahua brother, and beagle mix older sister to live happily ever after. Consider donating to K-9 PALS so that they can continue to help out these stray dogs in need. Happy tails to you, Maggie! |  |
 | Kara
Adopted! |
Tootsie, and her kennelmate Hazel, have been raising havoc at the shelter for the past 6 months because they know that they are cute and cuddly. When a couple came in and asked for "sassy girls", volunteers knew exactly where to point them...Tootsie went to her forever home. Happy Tails to you Tootsie! |  |
 | Tennessee
Knee surgery delayed Tennessee's adoption for months. A loving foster home provided TLC and rehabilitation while his new family, who had generously donated to the cost of the surgery, waited. When adoption day finally arrived, mom, dad and his lab "brother" were very ready for Tennessee to come home. And Tennessee is giving back some of that TLC he knows so well. It's a great start to what we are sure will be a great life. Happy Tails to you, sweet Tennessee. |
Adopted to a super nice couple. Happy Tails to you, Higgins! |  |
 | Nellie
Adopted! |
Adopted! |  |
 | January
January is having a wonderful time in her forever home! Happy Tails to you, January! |
Sammy, the sweet, gentle 7 year old cocapoo in foster with Second Chance Cocker Rescue, went to his forever home today. Happy tails to you, Sammy! |  |
 | Lila
Adopted! | |