Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

Little Man
Rescued by K-9 PALS! and adopted! Happy Tails to you, Goofy aka Little Man! |  |
 | Milo
Milo adopted!! Happy Tails to you, Milo! |
Adopted. Sienna has a new family that includes another dog! Happy Tails to you, Sienna! |  |
 | Toast
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Toast! |
Sammy got a great home, with his very own girl person, another dog, and two human parents. Happy Tails to you, Sammy! |  |
 | Butterscotch
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Butterscotch! |
Buddy and Mackenzie adopted together! Happy Tails to you, Buddy and Mackenzie! |  |
 | Mackenzie
Mackenzie and Buddy adopted together. Happy Tails to Buddy and Mackenzie! |
After a wonderful time being fostered by one of our volunteers, Simba now has a forever home with Link! Happy Tails twice to you, Simba and Link! |  |
 | Link
Adopted with Simba! Happy Tails twice to you, Link and Simba! |
Toffee has been re-united with her family. Happy Tails to you, Toffee. |  |
 | Dolly
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Dolly! |
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Tia! |  |
 | Otis
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Otis! |
Chiquita is one special dog for K-9 PALS. We've worked to raise donations to make sure she's had the best of veterinary care, and provide her eye surgery. But more than that, volunteers have a special bond with her. She is so sweet that it would be hard not to. So it is no surprise that she won the heart of another very special caring friend to us! |  |
 | Scooby II
Scooby II, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Scooby! |
Adopted! Happy Tails to You Blinken!! |  |
 | Sampson
Samson is home for the holidays with a wonderful couple from Santa Barbara. He will be going on hikes and beach runs. Happy tails to you Samson!! |
Adopted! Happy tails to you Chocolate! |  |
 | Rango
Adopted. Happy Tails to you Rango! |
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Polly! |  |
 | Adelle
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Adelle! |
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Max! |  |
 | Bernice
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Bernice! |
Sheila was abandoned in a shelter 2 1/2 years ago, and in search of her forever home ever since then. She went into foster with the wonderful woman who adopted Carmel, and it was to be just a foster. But what good news for Sheila, that she worked her way into the home and into the hearts of everyone in the home, including the cats! Happy Tails to you, Sheila! |  |
 | Ginger
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, our love bug Ginger! |
Boomer has been rescued out of the county stray shelter by Cold Noses, Warm Hearts. If you are interested in adopting him, email us or call 805-964-2446! |  |
 | Joy
Adopted. Happy Tails to you, Joy! | |