Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

Jax adopted, Happy Tails to you, Jax! |  |
 | Sparky
Sparky adopted! Happy Tails to you, Sparky! |
Mulan adopted! Happy Tails to you, Mulan! |  |
 | Buggy
Buggy, from Santa Maria Shelter, adopted together with Frodo! Happy Tails to you, Buggy and Frodo! |
Frodo from Santa Maria Shelter, adopted together with Buggy! Happy Tails to you Buggy and Frodo! |  |
 | Dolores
Dolores adopted, to a lovely woman who has two other small dogs! Happy Tails to you, Dolores! |
Doodle, adopted to a nice couple of gentleman that will shower him with attention. Happy Tails to you, Doodle! |  |
 | Darla
Darla, from Lompoc Shelter to SB Shelter, to rescued! Darla is now in her foster home to continue her journey to find her forever home! |
Wayne adopted. Happy Tails to you, Wayne! |  |
 | Pearl
Pearl, from SB Shelter to Adopted! Happy Tails to you, Pearl! |
Nola adopted! Happy Tails to you, Nola! |  |
 | Twink
Twink adopted, Happy Tails to you, Twink! | |