Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

Toto, who came into the SB shelter very sick. K-9 PALS was asked to assist with his veterinary care, Toto got healthy and got adopted to a wonderful family who saw him on the K-9 PALS website! Happy Tails to you, Toto! |  |
 | Jenny
Jenny just left La Paws on her way to Shadows Fund. Happy Tails to you, Jenny! |
Molly, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Molly! | .JPG) |
.jpg) | Cotton
Adopted to a wonderful senior gentleman, Happy Tails to you, Cotton! |
Muffin, from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter to SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Muffin! |  |
.jpg) | Nala
Nala, from La Paws to SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Nala! |
Tai Chi
Tai Chi, from LaPaws to SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted! One of our favorite boys! Happy Tails to you, Tai Chi! |  |
.jpg) | Daisy
Daisy, from LaPaws, to SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Daisy! |
Milo, from LaPaws to SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Milo! | .jpg) |
.jpg) | Chica
Chica, formerly of LaPaws, transferred to SBCAS SB Shelter, and then adopted. Wonderful young couple with another blue eyed husky mix! Happy Tails to you, Chica! |
Xena, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Xena! |  |
 | Millie
Millie, adopted. Formerly from LaPaws and SB Shelter. Happy Tails to you, Millie! |
Pearl, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Pearl! | .JPG) |
.JPG) | Gidget
Gidget, from SB Shelter, was spotted on the K-9 PALS website by a lovely lady who loves to take walks and looking for a new best friend. Gidget is a perfect match! Happy Tails to you, Gidget and Winn! |
Sirus adopted. Happy Tails to you, Sirus! | .jpg) |
.jpg) | Oso
Oso, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Oso! |
Atlas, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Atlas! | .jpg) |
 | Calvin
From SM SBCAS Shelter to SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Calvin! |
Newton, from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter, to SB Shelter, to adopted! Newton was adopted by a really wonderful woman who adopted "Little Man" from K-9 PALS many years ago who has since passed away. She provided him the absolute best home ever! We know she will also do the same for Newton! Happy Tails to you Newton and Dawn! |  |
 | Shasta
Shasta, from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter, adopted to a wonderful woman who saw Shasta on our website! Happy Tails to you, Shasta and Kristin! |
Maple, from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy tails to you, Maple! | .jpg) | |