Free Professional Dog Training
for adopted dogs!
If you adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, or rescue group, and live in Santa Barbara County, you are eligible for this great offer!

Spirit from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter, adopted! Happy Tails to you, Spirit! |  |
.jpg) | Willow
Willow, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted! Willow is joining a family with another small senior dog and a German Shepherd. Happy Tails to you, Willow! |
Coco, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted! Happy Tails to you, Coco! |  |
 | Banjo
Banjo, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted! Happy Tails to you, Banjo! |
Greta, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted, to a really nice senior couple who have lots of time and love to give her. Happy Tails to you, Greta! |  |
 | Tofu
Tofu, from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter, to SB Shelter, adopted to a really great couple who understand and love the herding dogs! Happy Tails to you, Tofu! |
Pixie, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Pixie! | .jpg) |
 | Moose
Moose, from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted. Moose was adopted by a really nice guy named Taylor, Happy Tails to you, Moose! |
Chip and Dale, from SBCAS Santa Maria, to SB Shelter, were adopted together to a great family with a ranch in the valley who have other herding dogs! Happy Tails to you, Chip and Dale! |  |
 | Chip
Chip and Dale, from SBCAS Santa Maria, to SB Shelter, were adopted together to a great family with a ranch in the valley who have other herding dogs! Happy Tails to you, Chip and Dale! |
Sara, from SBCAS Santa Maria Shelter, to SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you Sara! |  |
 | Boo
Boo, from SBCAS SB Shelter, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Boo! |
Scruffy, from SBCAS Lompoc Shelter, transferred to SB Shelter, and adopted to a wonderful family, 3 generations of dog loving women! Happy Tails to you, Scruffy! |  |
 | Crystal
Crystal, from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Crystal! |
Ted, from SBCAS SB Shelter, has been in foster home with one of our volunteers, and he just got adopted! Happy Tails to you, Ted! | .jpg) |
 | Mini
Mini, from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Mini! |
Molly from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Molly! |  |
 | Sadie
Sadie, adopted. Happy Tails to you, Sadie. |
Digby from SBCAS SB Shelter, to SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Digby! |  |
 | Carlisle
Carlisle, from SBCAS SB Shelter, to adopted. Happy Tails to you, Carlisle! |
Rose, from SBCAS SM Shelter, to SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Rose! |  |
 | Heidi
Heidi, from SBCAS SB Shelter, was spotted on the K-9 PALS by a lovely lady in Templeton, she eagerly awaited the time when Heidi was released from her vet care, provided by K-9 PALS, and then adopted Heidi! Happy Tails to you, Heidi and Eileen! |
Nemo, from Lompoc Shelter, to SB Shelter, to adopted! Happy Tails to you, Nemo! |  |
 | Elmo & Grover
Elmo & Grover found stray on the streets, but found by a couple of wonderful people, who took them to the SB Shelter and waited to see if any owner came for them, but no one came, so they adopted Elmo & Grover! Happy Tails to you all! | |